domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Actividad Integradora: "Tell me about him her" M7S3


A difficult experience for the family

     This anecdote is from my father and happened two years ago. His name is Jesus and he is 72 years old, he is already retired and now enjoys the life. One morning around 7:30 before I went to work, he was walking around the house and suddenly I heard a scream. My house has two floors and I was in my room at that moment, on the second floor. My mother was in the kitchen and was focused on her housework’s.
     As soon I heard the scream, I got out of my room and ran down the stairs. The first thing I saw did my mom confused want to raise my dad from the floor, because he had stumbled and fell. I was scared because I thought he had a heart attack, although he was aware but couldn`t move. We tried to help him up but could not because he complained of a pain in his leg.
     Thinking that it was something very serious, immediately I called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors checked him and told us that my father had broken his hip and it was necessary to operate it. They operated and put a plaque on his leg; fortunately everything went well at that moment. The most unpleasant came afterwards.
     After being in recovery, he was sick with pneumonia due to his age and low defenses. In a few days he worsened and had to transfer to intensive care due to a thromboembolism that was about to give him. Fortunately, at two days he left intensive care. From that moment with all the necessary care he began to recover.  My father was hospitalized for twenty days.  That was a very difficult experience for the family and that united us more; since we thought he would die. Thanks to God, he is still with us and can continue walking.

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